2023 Men's Annual Report: Extreme Calendar Congestion: The adverse effects on player health & wellbeing

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This publication follows on from two mid-season PWM flash reports, in which the pre-World Cup months and post-World Cup period were scrutinised from a workload perspective. These periods saw dangerous levels of fixture congestion, as competing competitions vied to complete their competition calendars.

The extreme levels of calendar congestion evident over the course of the season posed a pressing danger to the physical and mental health of players. The increasing demands placed upon the game’s leading young players must also be reflected upon as concerns grow for the health and longevity of their burgeoning careers. Furthermore, the fixture congestion witnessed across the past season seems likely to further increase over the coming years as new competitions and expanded formats continue to add more matches.

All of this continues without the implementation of fundamental workload safeguards, placing the future of the game’s key contributors, the players, at risk.

Download the report here.

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